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Author Topic: Graviteam Tactics Multiplayer?  (Read 6445 times)

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Offline Asid

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Graviteam Tactics Multiplayer?
« on: April 11, 2016, 02:30:36 PM »
Graviteam Tactics Multiplayer?

In Mius Front and SABOW there are entries in the options menus for Multiplayer. However they seem to be placeholders at this time.

Mius Front has a more advanced MP interface, which does not work....At present..See the pictures below from the Mius Front menu.

This is what Andrey the Graviteam dev said about multiplayer in Mius Front recently on Steam Here

I think theoretically if ever it will be of course, will be 1 vs 1 in a specially made single missions. And then we'll see.

Mius Front menu
Multiplayer? Is it on its way? It is a strong possibility. It has been discussed. Some Graviteam titles have "Network" options which are not useable. Mius front seems to have several. They look like place holders for future multiplayer.

You will see the icons in the yellow box on the left of this screenshot. The icons listed from top to bottom are:
1.   Single player mode. You will be playing with the computer.
2.   Create new multiplayer game. If you want another player to play with you.
3.   Connect to existing multiplayer game. If you want to play with another player.
4.   Change side to the opposite.
5.   No network connection.

More network settings in the Options menu.

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Offline General Sandman

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Re: Graviteam Tactics Multiplayer?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2021, 01:26:13 AM »
Quote from: andrey12345 v2.0;1630789172629283914
Let's look at things realistically. If once in the game there will be multiplayer, then of course there will not be any BG at all. This will be "another game" with a small number of units and almost all the features disabled. It will be based on the Close Engagement mode.

IMO a MP mode would be awesome. Also just because the AI doesnt perform like a human would do. Often the AI is much too offensive, even when it is mismatching inferior.
The quote above is the developer´s statement in the steam forum. Therefore there is obvioulsly no hope that we ever see a reasonable MP mode in that series.
What a pitty.
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