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Author Topic: LIF:YO Beta Updates  (Read 5095 times)

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Offline Asid

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LIF:YO Beta Updates
« on: April 11, 2016, 12:50:52 PM »
Beta branch update #inb4MMO (

Beta branch update #inb4MMO (
8 April - Life is Feudal (Bobik)

Hey everyone,

Firstly, we want to thank you for your patience while we ensure the latest patch is stable. We have one or two little things we need to do but have decided that we can release today under the beta branch - so obviously please keep in mind that it’s still in a WiP state - (check out the link here to find out how to switch to beta) for those who are eager to try it out!
You will have to start a new server in the beta branch!
Next week we are going to release another small patch, which will enable automatic migration of your existing worlds.
Once we have ironed out any remaining bugs, and ensured the gameplay is stable and balanced we will apply the current patch on the main branch (so everyone can join in) later on!

Patch notes (ver.

•   Implemented guild Heraldry. Guild leaders can now design their own heraldry symbols via the Guild monument menu. Tabards can now be crafted via Tailoring skill. Tabards and shields are painted automatically with the heraldry of player wielding them
•   Completely reworked Crafting and Combat skill trees. We’ve changed them to be more adequate in terms of logical progression
•   Pikes and lances have had their firing timer increased. This means that it will be easier to hit with these weapons now, since their active state (couched, when it can deal damage) will last longer
•   Pikes should now properly stop horses if hit
•   Fixed parrying view vector calculations. You should parry more effectively now if you’re facing the direction of a blow
•   Shields now absorb all damage if you’re in an active block and facing your opponent
•   It is easier to hit with a warcry now, since it affects the target closest to your crosshair in a small sector
•   Added triplanar texturing for terrain. You should notice some terrain texture quality increases. We’re still working on the quality of terrain textures
•   Added more animations for some crafting abilities
•   Added a glow in the health and stamina bars when they change their values

Bug fixes:
•   Fixed some rampant client crashes
•   Fixed a bug, which caused some trees and objects to become invisible on the client side
•   Finally fixed the blinking sky visual bug on all video cards
•   Created a proper warning when trying to launch the client on a DirectX 11 incompatible video card
•   Optimized the trees collision model. It should demand less calculations both on server and client side
•   All mouse buttons can now be bound properly
•   Fixed a couple of rendering bugs
•   Fixed antialiasing settings in video settings menu
•   Fixed a video memory leak

We’d also like to take this time to let you know that the MMO Beta tests are currently running internally. Since game development never seems to run smoothly, we’ve run into some issues, but we are devoting a lot of the team - and time - to overcoming that.

We’re hoping to start the first wave of tests later in April. The original Alpha testers, and the devoted supporters who’ve been a big help in our development are the ones who will be taking part in this wave of testing.

After that, all LiF:YO owners get to be a part of the second wave of testing!

P.S. You will only be able to see beta servers while in the beta branch!

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Offline Asid

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Re: LIF:YO Beta Updates
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2016, 11:34:46 PM »
One more Beta branch update (
18 April - Life is Feudal (Bobik)

Hey everyone,

We hope that this will be our last patch in the beta branch before we transfer it to the release branch. Thanks to the current patch, you can migrate the existing release branch databases and your character skills will be converted automatically. WARNING! You might lose some skillpoints, especially if you’re playing on a server with a high skillcap (3000).

You may also be interested to know that, in a few weeks from now, we plan to present a 64bit client and server version. These versions should prevent some of the client and server crashes on overloaded servers with numerous objects and trees.

Patch notes (ver.

New features and tweaks:
•   Implemented fully automatic skill conversion from the older skill tree to the new one. You can load your old worlds in the beta branch now and your character skills will be converted
•   Added some missing inventory item icons
•   Added scrollbar to the Skill book
•   Adjusted some sound event occurrences and added some new sounds
•   Adjusted starting skills in the character creation dialogue

Bug fixes:
•   Fixed a ground substance dupe exploit via herbalism abilities
•   Fixed inadequate durability damage while parrying with some weapons
•   Fixed a terrain texture glitch that appeared in some cases

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Offline Asid

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Re: LIF:YO Beta Updates
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2016, 12:19:08 AM »
Sit down and wait for the MMO Beta …please! (
27 April - Life is Feudal (Bobik)   

Hey everyone,

We know we said it last time, but this should hopefully be our last patch in the beta branch before we transfer it to the release branch - phew!

We’ve implemented proper sitting mechanics and animation for all you RP lovers in LiF!

We are still working on some issues in the MMORPG build, which is delaying the start of the first phase of Closed Beta tests, so unfortunately, we are unable to give an ETA at the moment - but we will keep you updated! :(

Patch notes (ver.
New features and tweaks:

    Implemented an ability, which allows you to sit on chairs, benches, thrones and other ‘sittable’ objects
    Added some more sounds for different actions

Bug fixes:

    Fixed server crashes, which were caused by animal traps, gatehouse doors and death in water
    Fixed brewing exceptional chance calculation formula
    Fixed a bug, which manipulated the quality of items from Coops and other harvestable/cleanable items

« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 12:40:25 AM by Asid »
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