Forum > Graviteam Sims/Wargames

Sniping unbuttoned crew:


Having the ability to snipe/kill unbuttoned crew is fundamental in a tank simulation. Actually any sim.

In real world situations. When a target presents itself to the enemy then the enemy will take the shot. A sniper or infantry will shoot a TC/gunner if he is unbuttoned. This will obviously reduce the fighting ability of the vehicle. A 50 ton tank/Humvee can be neutralised or lose some of its fighting capability by a well-placed shot/shots.

This option is available in most games/sims. In the Graviteam titles it works well. It adds to the immersion and realism. You as a crew member will be aware and cautious about taking a peek.

I feel that it is a pity that this function is not implemented or is "watered down" on some titles. Even some "professional" titles which cost many times more and lay a claim to realism.......

Sniper Full Scene - Fury - Full HD

The hotshot German sniper, Fritz, gets a headshot when the tank crewman exposes himself for 2 seconds. Wow! Then Fritz' aim goes downhill from then on because he only manages three body shots on Brad Pit, allowing Brad Pitt to close the hatch after the third shot hits home. I didn't know Brad Pitt could sprechen.

As for SteelBeasts, who or what is there to snipe at? It's no fun being a sniper in Steelbeasts.


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