Public beta patch 1.02 , December 19th versionDownload here (95.3MB): players,
Following the immense success of official patch 1.011 , we are happy to propose some further work, improvements and fixes!
This patch is still in beta state, although it should not do more harms to you, your health or your computer than a official patch. At worse you might have a new bug or two, but as it fixes much more than that, we advise you apply it.
You can either overwrite your current official 1.011 installation or do a copy of it and then install this beta patch onto the copy. Be sure to target the proper directory when requested by the installation program. Usually, if you have not changed anything, the game is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Games\Wars of Napoleon
So when prompted for a path, be sure to have as in the image. Verify that you don't have Wars of Napoleon listed twice in the path for example... You know you have properly installed the patch if on startup you read 1.02 public beta. Also in a new campaign, you should see small graphics around big cities, they are indicators of special buildings.
The patch allows you to continue an ongoing game, but you'll miss some new events and graphics.And the readme:DiplomacyFixed an issue in defensive treaty not added properly
When making peace, you'll always get a passage right and supply right treaty for 24 turns.
Countries without owned regions don't DOW anyone. There is a limit to stupidity.
Expeditionary forces and fleets can be aborted if there is no common foe.
MapThe weird zoo with flying whales and swimming camels has been removed. This entry is part of the contest of 'strangest patch note in a video game' for year 2015.
EngineColor-coding: If you don't want the engine to use faction main color in tooltip, edit the text file NGC\settings\userinterface.opt, there is an entry named inoCommonTTColor:
Set the value to 1, like here: inoCommonTTColor = 1
AIAI will be much less prone to sent stacks without frontline units in non controlled territories
Interface & additional graphicsCan type space when renaming a game. Can close same window with <enter> key
Further refined 'play the anthem' logic on load game and new turn jingle
You'll always see all 7 major nations (Ottomans included even if technically they are a disorganized major) in objectives screen.
Added Missing Bocage graphics
Fixed Neapolitans missing units images
Added graphics on map for the key structures so players can identify important locations + added tooltips (need new campaign)
Campaign setups and historical events(several fixes done by Vicberg) - if an event has not happened, the patch will updated it, otherwise you need to start a new game.
Pressburg peace further improved
Hannover can now be fully annexed by France. Will impact negatively relationships with Prussia and a few German minor states.
Firenze/Tuscany can now be fully annexed by France. Will impact negatively relationships with Austria, Spain and a few Italian minor states.
Papacy can now be fully annexed by France. Will impact negatively (and severely) relationships with Austria, Spain and a Sicily kingdom.
Several fixes on events (like HRE or Kingdom of Holland)
Fixes to Tilsit Treaty
Added specific "leader" (the rock) and defensive unit for Gibraltar fortress
Added Czar Paul I (for potential variant)
Revised 1805 campaign OOB and cities (a few added) + Hannover occupied in 1805 (since Atlenburg Convention of 1803 it is under French occupation)
Beefed up significantly Gibraltar defenses (and terrain is now alpine, making Assaults more difficults)
Improve Invasion of Russia events (including beefed up AI)
Improved Flavor events adding new armies to nations during campaign
Units and battle balancingChanged all Arty models to decrease Damage inflicted through fire and Assault
Changed all Guards models which were 500% better than regulars in Assault hits. Now more inline with reality (120 ΰ 150% max)
Reduced the CbtHit chance to 125/50 (was 400/80 before for fire/assault) in gamelogic
Revised all structures setup for GC to better balance locations and dispersion, as well as mix