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Author Topic: Wargame: Red Dragon  (Read 9316 times)

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Offline Commissar Martin

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Wargame: Red Dragon
« on: January 03, 2015, 09:03:16 AM »
I was wondering if anybody else plays Wargame: Red Dragon or any of the other games in the series by Eugen Systems.

 It is a large scale 'Cold War gone hot' era RTS based on modern day combined arms combat and has a thriving and easy to access multiplayer community and great scope for head to head play and co-operative against the AI, (Although the AI can be a little spam heavy at times).


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Offline Gunslinger668

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Re: Wargame: Red Dragon
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2015, 05:20:26 AM »
Oh ya, outstanding RTS, one of my favorites of all time. I play it often on Steam.
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Offline Commissar Martin

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Re: Wargame: Red Dragon
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2015, 11:19:56 AM »
Oh ya, outstanding RTS, one of my favorites of all time. I play it often on Steam.

Same here, really good to play with a couple of friends. I like Airland Battle just as much as well, they play very differently to each other.
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Offline Gunslinger668

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Re: Wargame: Red Dragon
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2015, 04:55:50 PM »
Same here, really good to play with a couple of friends. I like Airland Battle just as much as well, they play very differently to each other.
Message me your steam name of you don't mind. I'm down to play anything. I never played Air Battle very much, I'll have to re install it and try it again.
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Offline Asid

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Wargame Red Dragon New Maps
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2015, 02:06:49 AM »
Map patch #1, aka v626, is live!

It will bring to you the following new maps:

    (1v1) Mud Fight !
    (1v1) Paddy Field
    (2v2) Highway to Seoul (small version)
    (3v3) Highway to Seoul (big version)
    (4v4) The Battle of Yuchalnok Pass
    (4v4) The Green Mile

See post:
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Offline Asid

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Re: Wargame Red Dragon New Maps
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2016, 04:18:47 PM »
Map Pack #3 is LIVE!

... the ported classic map Thüringer Wald in two variants:
3v3 Snake Pit
3v3 Crossroad

Plus 4 variants of existing maps:
4v4 Heartbreak Ridge
4v4 Crown of Crags
2v2 Operation Chomite
1v1 Death Row

Based on the feedbacks brought by the community after the release of the previous Map Packs, we have made some changes on the following maps:
Sun of Juche & Final Meltdown: downscaling the reinforcement arrow.
Mud Fight: smaller red spwan sector to balance the "point of contact" near Alpha.
Mud Fight: central sector moved slightly closer to blue side in order not to incorporate another hedge.
Nuclear Winter is Coming (Conquest): increasing one sector's value from 1 to 2.
Punchbowl, removing the contral sector, outside of the town.
Hell in a very small place, central and bottom zones slightly extended in favor of blue side.
38th Perpendicular, increasing the size of India sector to facilitate access to the city above.
Highway (big), central secttor's value increased from 1 to 2.
Wrecks & Rocks, extending Foxtrot sector to include some woods in order to help blue side securing it.

- Autocanons noise increased by about 20%
- Tank filters in the armory fixed.
- Light supply vehicles (500 and 800 supply) are now available in Airborne decks
- Howitzer ammo consumption modified to take accuracy and reactivity into account. High end units remain almost the same while low end units benefit from much cheaper ammunitions.
- Aircraft fuel level reordered according to their real stats with weapon load taken into account, ToT normalized to match that fuel load.
- Tank guns accuracy increased according to their range :
1925m +10%
2100m +5%
Some adjustments had to be made to prevent some earlier version to have a better accuracy than the next. Cheap vehicles accuracy didn't strictly follow this rule most of the time. This bonus comes in addition with the individual modifications listed below.
- CSSR T21 Tarasnice recoiless rifle range incresed from 1050m/1225m (infantry and vehicle version) to 1400m
- BLUE MG3 used by line infantry time between bursts increased from 5 to 8sec
- BLUE Centurion AVRE and M728 CEV dispersion increased, the shell used to land to close from the target when missing
- BLUE Eryx's HE suppression damage reduced.

- Soviet Gornostrelki '90 access to BTR transport series reverted.

- French Légion price reduced from 25$ to 20$

- CSSR BPzV Snezka optics reduced to good, price reduced to 30$, avialability set to 12
- Chinese ZTQ-62G price reverted to 60$ (this nerf was supposed to be an alternative to the gun noise nerf)

- British SBS's M72 LAW replaced with a M2 CG, price increased from 25$ to 30$

- Soviet Buratino aim time increased from 15s to 20s
- E-German Tunguska availability brought to the level of the Soviet version

- Danish & Japanese HAWKs speed increased to 35kmh like the other HAWKs
- British M270 MLRS restricted to Support decks like all others cluster MLRS

- Soviet T-55AM/AM2/AMV and their foreign variants accuracy increased by 5%
- Soviet T-62 obr75 / M1 / M / MV-1 and foreign variants accuracy increased by 5%
- Soviet T-64A accuracy increased by 5%
- Soviet T-64BM range increased by 175m (a 10$ price nerf have been forgotten here)
- E-German KPz T-72M1 accuracy increased by 5%
- Polish T-55AM2 Merida accuracy increased by 5%
- Polish and Czech T-72M1 Jaguar accuracy increased by 5%
- Czech T-55AM2 Dyna-1 accuracy increased by 5%
- Chinese ZTZ-59-II accuracy increased by 5%
- Chinese ZTZ-59-IIA accuracy increased by 5%
- Chinese ZTZ-85-II accuracy increased by 5%
- Chinese ZTZ-85-II accuracy increased by 5%
- N-Korean CH'ONMA-HO II accuracy increased by 5%
- N-Korean CH'ONMA-HO IV accuracy increased by 5%
- N-Korean CT-72M accuracy increased by 5%

- American M8 AGS price increased from 50$ to 55$
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki series reload time after their 4 shot burst increased from 10sec to 12sec
- Japanese and ANZAC M41A1 range increased by 175m
- British Challenger 1 Mk.2 price reduced from 130$ to 125$
- British Challenger 1 Mk.2 price reduced from 155$ to 150$
- British Chieftain Mk.10 range increased by 175m
- French AMX-30B2 Brennus accuracy increased by 5%
- French AMX-13 Harpon range increased by 175m
- Swedish SRTV 103 series accuracy increased by 5%

- Soviet BTR-90 price increased from 25$ to 30$ and availability decreased by 1 per card.
- Soviet BTR-70 availability increased by one step
- Soviet BMP-3 number of ATGM carried reduced from 6 to 4
- Soviet late BMP-2 autocannon range increased from 1575m to 1750m
- Soviet early BMP-2 autocannon accuracy fixed, there was a discrepancy between AT and HE accuracy. HE accuracy now match the AT.
- Soviet early BMP-2 autocannon accuracy increased by 5%
- Soviet SU-122-54 price increased from 15$ to 20$
- E-German MT-LB & BTR-70 avalability per card increased by one step
- N-Korean BTR-80A availability brought to the level of the Soviet version

- W-German Marder 2 price increased from 35$ to 40$
- ANZAC Vickers MK.11 LRPV price reduced from 50$ to 45$

- Soviet Ataka V missile accuracy reduced from 65%/45% to 60%/45%
- Soviet Ka-50's Vikhr range reduced from 2975 to 2800m
- Soviet Ka-50's Vikhr accuracy changed from 50%/40% to 70%/35%
- Soviet Ka-50's Vikhr speed increased and are fired rapidly one after the others in a burst of 2. (that's the closest from ripple fire we can do without making them F&F)

- Soviet Mig-25PD price increased from 90$ to 100$
- Chinese J-7C veterancy increased by one step
- Chinese J-8C availability increased by 1 step and veterancy reduced by 1 step
- N-Korean Mig-29 9-12B availability increased by one step and veterancy reduced by one step

- American F-14 Tomcat is now available in the AIR tab in addition to the NAVY tab
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Offline Asid

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Announcing ‘Nation Pack: The Netherlands’ for Wargame: Red Dragon!
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2016, 09:11:48 PM »
Announcing ‘Nation Pack: The Netherlands’ for Wargame: Red Dragon!

Wargame: Red Dragon is about to celebrate its second birthday and we are committed to keeping it alive for some more …

Since the early days of the Wargame saga, forums as well our private message boxes have been filled with petitions, complaints even, about “missing” nations. Based on so many community requests, we have decided to give “Nation Pack(s)” a try.

For the first Nation Pack, we have selected the lucky winner: the Netherlands. The reason being that this nation is powerful enough to stand on its own among the “medium” nations, and fields both indigenous vehicles and an original combination of American, German & French equipments.

Yet, unlike the previous DLCs, Nation Pack would be paid one, although players without it would be able to play against (or allied with) players owning it, in order not to split the community. So far, we have been delivering three major DLCs as well as three Map Packs since the game’s release, all of them free. Such Nation Pack would give us the means to finance ongoing support to the Red Dragon and make sure that further balance patches and content will keep coming.

And should the Nation Pack concept be validated, it will pave the way for more nations, which we will let the community chose. Who knows, maybe Finland might show up in Wargame one day? 😉
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