D.O.W. Saturday Mission 20/12/14D.O.W. Fulda Gap 3 modified by Assassin7 for D.O.W.
Excerpts of the battalion commander's orders for...BLUEFOR1) SITUATION: a) Enemy:
Enemy offensive operations have resulted in the loss of all areas east of the river Oden. Enemy now occupies the town of Plummersburg and vicinity (077218). Units believed to include elements of Soviet 23rd guards tank regiment as well as at least two companies of attached
infantry. Air recon shows all bridges garrisoned with dug in infantry and armored vehicals. Obstacles include one known minefield, in addition to Nato placed obstacles now being put to use by the enemy. It is expected thant once the enemy consolidates his position and logistics, he will try to resume offensive operations from his current position.
b) Own:
Kampfgruppe 214 consisting 3 tank platoons, 2 mech platoons, 2 platoons mech inf, and elements of HHC 4-21 scouts and TOW section.
2) MISSION: Kampfgruppen 214 is to attack and sieze Plummersburg and vicinity 077218 an move immediatly to re-establish defensive positions
vicinity 088227 (see overlay).
3) EXECUTION: Intent: Reclaim territory lost in recent red offensive, regain control of subject area and prepare for offensive operations from new positions.
a) Concept of Operation:
Commander task force broadway is to identify best possible river crossing points by either forced crossing of existing bridges, or fords, or by the use of mobile bridging equipment, and move sufficient forces to the east side of the river oden to accomplish mission.
i) Maneuver:
Terrain suggests a North sound pincer attack, but that's up to you.
ii) Fires:
All supporting artillery is to be planned and execuuted by commander Kampfgruppe 214. HE, ICM, and smoke available on call.
iii) Weather:
Heavy fog with temepratures in the low teens. Visability poor.
Blue Munición:
30% M829A2 (1993), KE
30% DM53 (1999), KE
20% 120mm DM11 HE (2010), MZ
20% MPAT (1993), MPAT
61% BGM-71D TOW-2 (1983)
30% BGM-71F TOW-2B* (1992)
9% Spike LR (1997)
Red Munición:
29% BM-42M (1994), KE
9% BM-42 (1986), KE
6% BK-29 (1990's), MZ
2% BK-21 (1980's), MZ
54% OF-27 HEF-T (1970s), MPAT
48% AT-11b Sniper/Refleks-M (1992)
32% AT-5a Spandrel/Konkurs (1977)
14% AT-11 Sniper/Refleks (1985)
6% AT-3d Sagger/Malyutka (1980s)
** Notes **SB Version: 3.011
Mission Name: D.O.W. Fulda Gap 3
Created by: Modified by:[/BAssassin7
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Mission Duration: 90 minutes approx
Date: 20/12/14 Saturda
Time: 20:00 GMT
Time (local): http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20141130T20&p0=136&msg=DOW+Steel+Beasts+Meeting
Teamspeak IP: , Port 9987
Room: Dogs of War
[COLOR="Red"]Player Skill/Ability:[/COLOR]
• Completion of at least 1 full tutorial of Leo2A5 or M1A2Sep.
• Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)
Leopard 2A5-DK
CV90/ 35-NL
Rifle Squads
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